write us
write us

The Diary
This is the Friends page.
Elfoavventure, a non-profit organization to whom all donations will be made.
Blake Franchetto
School's Out! and for the summer Blake climbs aboard as a full-time crew member, now it's 'all hands on deck' as we set-sail for some serious translating... Good luck Blake!
laura e carlos
Web Site Translation
All English translations are made by the Anglo-Italian family Franchetto-Tickle.
the web master maxo
Monica fromTop Italia Radio
Monica works as a programmer
at T.I.R.
She has been assisting us
in putting advertising and
promotional material together
for the fund raising campaign.
Maurizio DiMaggio

DJ from Radiomontecarlo,
Maurizio has kindly
allocated a slot during
his night programme to
discuss and promote the
A skilled writer-mountaineer, through "Lo Scarpone" magazine,
various Forums (Quotazero.com, Montagnapertutti.it) and websites, Christian has been a keen promoter
of our African expedition.
Espace Popular
Espace Popular has collaborated
to the "AfricaAndrò" event in
Aosta to raise funds for the
African project.

A particular thank you to Patrizia.